First CVIDS Meeting in the New Year
Our first club meeting in 2017 took place on Saturday, January 14th, at the Coralville Public Library. It was a super meeting. The forty-four members in attendance were treated to two presentations, a business meeting, several door prizes, and a delicious spread of refreshments. AHS Region One's newly elected President and longtime CVIDS member Zora Ronan gave us an overview of the 2016 AHS awards. This was followed by a talk from Nancy Carlisle on information that can be gained from daylily scapes. During the business meeting, our new club president Keith Riewerts thanked Nancy for all that she did for CVIDS while serving as president and, on behalf of the membership, presented her with a Thank You gift. Susie Poulton was elected as club treasurer. Thanks go to Lyle for the photos of this fun meeting. Thanks to Susie for the Board Meeting Minutes and the Business Meeting Minutes.